Causes of why people get addicted to smoking

1) Peer Pressure

   Peer Pressure plays a large part in why people will get addicted to smoking. Young teenagers are most susceptible to peer pressure as they would want to fit in to a group they like. Teenagers are at a time where they rely most heavily on friends of the same age for social support and affirmation. Bad influenced friends may encourage them to smoke as a sign of joining their crew.

2) Parental influence

   Children whose parents smoke may get influenced thinking that it is okay to smoke. According to some studies, a parent's choice to smoke can more than double the odds that the child can smoke. However, even non-smoker parents can have children who smokes due to parents not bringing up their child properly. Thus, parents should always set a good example in front of their children to reduce the chances of their child smoking.

3) Stress Relief

  Life is full of stress in whatever we do. Those who cannot learn to cope with stress may find ways like smoking as an escape from reality and de-stress. They eventually find that they cannot do their work properly unless they smoke and this is when they continue to smoke and eventually get addicted to smoking.

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